Sunday, November 8, 2009

Poem for Sunday, November 8, 2009


is the only way we can communicate, it seems. You're sitting in a
cafe, tapping the tile floor with your pseudo-leather boots (I see
this in my Moscow dreams), and your coffee is cold. Watching
bundled-up pedestrians blurred by window frost--are you
begging for company? The barstools aren't swinging. The ash-
trays are clean because you can see your rosy cheeks in the glass,
and you notice you need a haircut and your earrings are too flashy
for this side of the

Zhingshina, I whisper to you through the vent up above.
My presence is presently strong (I want to you to be warm); I can
see you through the window now, but you can't see me.

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